2023     appointed Professor - by the Medical University of Vienna, Austria

2015    'Lifetime Emeritus status' - awarded by the board of the International Society for Applied Cardiovascular Biology (isacb.org) for outstanding contributions

2014    'Changbai Friendship Award' - awarded by the Dept of human resources, the foreign affairs office Government of Jilin Province, China

2013    'Outstanding Medical Contribution Award’ - awarded by the health bureau of Changchun, Jilin Province, China

2013    'Changchun Friendship Award' - awarded by the bureau of foreign expert affairs, Jilin Province, for contributions to developments of Changchun, China

1996    'Goedecke Park Davis Grant' - for the program:  “Postoperative application of calcium-antagonists Diltiazem in coronary patients: evaluation of anti-arrhythmic effects“

1995    'German-Israeli Research Foundation' - awarded for the cooperation program: “Vascular Gene Therapy“

1995    'Ludwig Heilmeyer Award' -  by the University of Freiburg for the MD-Thesis supervised by me: “The functional importance of the Renin-Angiotensin system in the human myocardium. Experiments on the isolated atrial and ventricular tissue under physiological conditions“

1994    'Goedecke Park Davis Grant' - for the program: “Perioperative application of Diltiazem in aortocoronary bypass patients: evaluation of the anti-arrhythmic and anti-ischemic properties“  

1993    'Finlandia Award' - by the 'Association of International Vascular Surgeons' for the conference-paper: “Advanced genetic engineering technology may help to develop new concepts in cardiovascular surgery“

1993    'Förderpreis ‘Studenten Forschen’' - by the State Council for Research and Art of the County of Sachsen, Germany, for the MD-Thesis supervised by me. “Experimental use of the angiogenic growth factors for in vivo culture of functional blood vessels“    

1992    'Hancock Award' - by the 'German, Austrian & Swiss Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons' for the conference paper: “Experimental study of the angiogenetic growth factor HBGF-I for the in-situ and in-vivo cultivation of new functional blood vessels“

1992    'Poster Award' - by the 'Society of Bavarian Surgeons' for the poster: “In vivo culture of new coronary blood vessels by applying angiogenetic growth factors“  

1992    'Dos Santos´s Award' - by the 'European Society for Cardiovascular Surgery' for the conference-paper: “Can you grow new arteries for cardiovascular surgeons? Experimental study of arterial 'in situ' growth by the angiogenic growth factor HBGF-I“ 

1992    'GENSIA Grant' - for the program: “A study of the effects of Acadesine on myocardial ischemia and clinical outcomes in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass“ 

1992     'International Guest Scholar' - by the 'American College of Surgeons' for outstanding surgical research.

1991    'Goedecke Park Davis Grant' - for the program: “Perioperative application of calcium-antagonists in coronary  artery bypass patients“

1990    'Alexis Carrel Award' - by the 'German Society of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgeons' for the paper: “The confluent lining of vascular grafts with endothelial cells: A preclinical study“ 

1990    'Anton v. Eiselsberg Award' - by the 'Austrian Van Swieten Society' & the ‘Austrian Doctors Association' for the paper: “Growth properties of cultured human endothelial cells on differently coated artificial heart materials“

1989    'Sigma-Tau Young Investigator Award' - by the 'International Union of Angiology' for the paper: "Reduced reproductive capacity of freshly harvested endothelial cells in smokers” 

1988    'Theodor v. Billroth Award' - by the 'Austrian Society of Surgeons' for the paper: "In vitro endothelialization of PTFE vascular grafts"

1988     'Wissenschaftlicher Fonds' - grant by the Major of the City of Vienna  "The physiological and non-thrombogenic vascular prosthesis"

1988    'Fondprojekt' - grant by the National Research Fund Austria:  "Endothelialization of biological heart valves"

1988     'Jubiläumsfond Project Award' -  grant by the Austrian National Bank: "Application of angiogenetic growth factors in surgical research" 

1984     'Jubiläumsfond Project Award' - grant by the Austrian National Bank: "Surgically relevant endothelial cell cultivation"