Publications    (Full length, peer-reviewed publications)

1. "Comparison of the effects of Dihydroergotamine and Ergonovine on functional changes caused by ß-adrenergic stimulation in normally and underperfused canine myocardium" ✧ J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 6:384-391 (1984)Seitelberger R, Schlappak O, Fasol R, Raberger G

2. "Experimental in vitro cultivation of human endothelial cells on artificial surfaces" ✧ Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs 31:257-284 (1985)Fasol R, Zilla P, Groscurth P, Wolner E, Moser R

3. "Ectopic parvalbumin positive cells in the cerebellum of the adult mutant mouse ´nervous´" ✧ Acta Anatomica 124:181-187 (1985)Zilla P, Celio MR, Fasol R, Zenker W

 4. "Enzyme activities of purine catabolism and salvage in human muscle tissue" ✧ Adv Exp Med Biol 195B:507-509 (1986)Schopf G, Havel M, Fasol R, Müller MM

 5. "Laser-induced lesions by VW-ND Yag or pulsed UV lasers during angioplastic procedures" ✧ Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 34:63-65 (1986) ✧ Wollenek G, Laufer G, Fasol R, Zilla P, Wolner E 

6. "Der klinische Einsatz der Endothelzell-Kultivierung beim Alloplastischen Gefäßersatz" ✧ Angio 8:337-341 (1986)Zilla P, Fasol R, Minar E, Kadletz M, Fischlein T

7. "Protein C system in patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass surgery" ✧ J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 94:600-605 (1987) Knöbl P, Zilla P, Fasol R, Müller MM, Vukovich Th

8. "Klinischer Einsatz des intraoperativen Endothelzell-Seedens von e-PTFE Gefäßprothesen" ✧ Angio 2:113-117 (1987) Fasol R, Zilla P, Fischlein T, Preiss P, Kadletz M, Krupicka O, Schreiner W, Kähler J

9. "Endothelial cell seeding of PTFE vascular grafts in humans: a preliminary report" ✧ J Vasc Surg 6:535-541 (1987)Zilla P, Fasol R, Deutsch M, Fischlein T, Minar E, Hammerle A, Krupicka O, Kadletz M         

10. "Twenty years of heart transplantation at the Groote Schuur Hospital" ✧ J Heart Transplant 6:317-323 (1987)Reichenspurner H, Odell J, Cooper D, Novitzky D, Human P, Becerra E, Böhm D, Rose A, Fasol R, Zilla P, Reichart B

11. "Scanning electron microscopy of circulating platelets reveals new aspects of platelet alteration during cardio-pulmonary bypass operations" ✧ J Tex Heart Inst 14:13-2 (1987)Zilla P, Fasol R, Hammerle A, Yildiz S, Kadletz M, Laufer G, Wollenek G, Seitelberger R, Deutsch M

12. "Endothelialization of artificial surfaces: does surface tension determine growth of HSVEC?" ✧ J Tex Heart Inst 14:119-126 (1987)Fasol R, Zilla P, Deutsch M, Fischlein T, Kadletz M, Griesmacher A, Müller MM         

13. "Characterization of an interferon resistant mutant of the human cancer cell line bt-20" ✧ J Interferon Res 7:195-202 (1987) ✧  Marth C, Gastl G, Zech J, Zilla P, Fasol R, Huber C, Daxenbichler G      

14. "PGi2 and PGe1 induce morphological alterations in human platelets similar to those observed in the initial phase of activation" ✧ Exp Haematol 15:741-749 (1987)Zilla P, Groscurth P, Varga G,  Fischlein T, Fasol R       

15. "In vitro lining of Fibronectin coated PTFE grafts with cryopreserved endothelial cells" ✧ Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 35:143-147 (1987)Kadletz M, Moser R, Preiss P, Deutsch M, Zilla P, Fasol R       

16. "Plaque ablation by eximer laser irradiation using a movable energy-transmitting device"  ✧ J Tex Heart Inst 14:47-52 (1987) ✧  Laufer G, Wollenek G, Stangl G, Klepetko W, Fasol R, Zilla P, Wolner E     

17.  "In vitro Endothelialisierung von PTFE Kunststoffprothesen" ✧ Angio 4:159-168 (1988) Fasol R, Zilla P, Fischlein T 

18. "The anomalous left superior vena cava in combined heart-lung transplantation" ✧ J Heart Transplant 7:445-447 (1988)von Oppell U, Odell JA, Reichenspurner H,  Reichart B, Zilla P, Fasol R        

19. "Thoraco-abdominal injuries in combat casualties on the Cambodian border" ✧ Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 36:33-36 (1988)Fasol R, Zilla P, Irvine S, von Oppell U

20. "Whole blood aggregometry and platelet adenine nucleotides during cardiac operations" ✧ Scand J Thoracic Cardiovasc Surg 22:165-170 (1988)Zilla P, Fasol R, von Oppell U, Knöbl P, Vukovich T, Laufer G,  Wollenek G, Hammerle A, Müller MM

21. "Impacts of low-dose steroids and prophylactic monoclonal versus polyclonal antibodies on acute rejection in cyclosporine and azathioprine-immunosuppressed cardiac allografts" ✧ J Heart Transplant 8:253-261 (1989)Laufer G,  Laczkovics A, Wollenek G, Schreiner W, Sochor H, Buchelt M, Fasol R, Wolner E

22.  "Blood platelets in cardiopulmonary bypass operation: recovery occurs after initial stimulation rather than continual activation” ✧ J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 97:379-388 (1989)Zilla P, Fasol R, Groscurth P, Klepetko W, Reichenspurner H, Wolner E

23. "Reduced reproductive capacity of freshly harvested endothelial cells in smokers - a possible shortcomming in the success of seeding?” ✧ J Vasc Surg 10:143-148 (1989)Zilla P, Siedler S, Fasol R, Sharefkin JB

24. "Das infrarenale Aortenaneurysma: Chirurgische Behandlungsergebnisse" ✧ Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 101:66-69 (1989)Deutsch M, Holzinger Ch, Krisch B, Magometschnigg H, Fasol R, Zilla P, Schwartz Ch, Staudacher M

25. "Human endothelial cell seeding: evaluation of it's effectiveness by platelet parameters after one year” ✧ J Vasc Surg 9:432-436 (1989)Fasol R, Zilla P, Deutsch M, Grimm M, Fischlein T, Laufer G        

26. "Surface morphology of circulating platelets: a suggested parameter for the monitoring of endothelial cell seeded grafts” ✧ J Cardiovasc Surg 30:398-401 (1989) Fasol R, Zilla P, Fischlein T, Laufer G, Deutsch M        

27. "Vascular injuries caused by anti-personnel mines" ✧ J Cardiovasc Surg 30:467-472 (1989)Fasol R, Irvine S, Zilla P      

28. "Anti-personnel mine injuries" ✧ Asian J Surg 12(1):1-7 (1989)Fasol R, Zilla P        

29. "Use of fibrin glue as a substrate for in vitro endothelialization of PTFE vascular grafts" ✧ Surgery 105:515-522 (1989) Zilla P, Fasol R, Preiss P, Kadletz M, Deutsch M, Schima H, Tsangaris S, Groscurth P       

30. "Precoating substrate and surface configuration determine adherence and spreading of seeded endothelial cells on PTFE grafts" ✧ J Vasc Surg 9:535-541 (1989)Kähler J, Zilla P, Fasol R, Deutsch M, Kadletz M         

31. "Characteristics of 308 nm-excimerlaser activated arterial tissue photoemission under ablative and non-ablative conditions" ✧ J Vasc Surg 9:535-541 (1989)Laufer G, Wollenek G, Rückle B, Hohla Ch, Buchelt M, Ruatti H, Fasol R, Wolner E

32. "In-situ canulation, microgrig follow-up and low density plating provide first passage endothelial cell masscultures for in-vitro lining” ✧ J Vasc Surg 12:180-189 (1990)Zilla P, Fasol R, Siedler S, Preiss P, Fischlein T, Müller W, Baitella G, Reichart B

33. "Traumatic herniation of the heart into the right pleura - a case report" ✧ Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 38:379-380 (1990)Fasol R,  Lowka K, Nöldge G, Schlosser V

34. "Alogenic, multidonor in vitro endothelialization of small diameter PTFE grafts in baboons" ✧ Vasc Surg 25:64-71 (1991) Fasol R, Zilla P, Preiss P, Odell J, Reichart B

35. "Growth properties of cultured human endothelial cells on differently coated artificial heart materials" ✧ J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 101:671-680 (1991)Zilla P, Fasol R, Grimm M, Fischlein T, Eberl T, Preiss P, Krupicka O, v. Oppell U, Deutsch M 

36. "Experimental in vitro endothelialization of cardiac valve leaflets" ✧ Ann Thorac Surg 53:487-492 (1992)Eberl T, Siedler S, Schumacher B, Zilla P, Schlaudraff K, Fasol R    

37. "The influence of obesity on perioperative morbidity: retrospective study of 502 aorto-coronary bypass operations” ✧ Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 40:126-129 (1992) Fasol R, Schindler M, Schumacher B, Hannes W, Seitelberger R, Schlosser V

38. "Diltiazem provides antiischemic and antiarrhythmic protection in patients undergoing coronary bypass grafting” ✧ Eur J Cardio-thorac Surg 7:239-245 (1993) Hannes W, Fasol R, Zajonc H, Schlosser V, Holubarsch Ch, Seitelberger R

39. "Aortic aneurysm repair in patients with coronary heart disease: strategy for treatment" ✧ Vasc Surg 27:344-349 (1993) Schlosser V, Fraedrich G, Schindler M, Fasol R

40. "Angiotensin II has positive effects in atrial but not in ventricular human myocardium" ✧ Circulation 88:1228-1237 (1993)Holubarsch Ch, Hasenfuss G, Pieske B, Schmidt-Schweda S, Fasol R, Just H

41. "Growth of 'new' coronary vascular structures by angiogenetic growth factors" ✧ Eur J Cardio-thorac Surg 7:637-643 (1993)Schlaudraff K, Schumacher B, v. Specht BU, Seitelberger R, Schlosser V, Fasol R

-> Editorial Comment  Eur J Cardio-thorac Sur 7:644 (1993)

42. "Auftreten transienter organischer Psychosyndrome nach koronarer Bypass-Operation" ✧ Intensivmed 30:318-322 (1993) Walzer T, Herrmann M, Fasol R, Hannes W, Wallesch CW 

43. "Perioperative myocardial protection with continuous infusion of Diltiazem in coronary bypass surgery” ✧ A Cardiovasc Thorac Ann 4:174-179 (1993) Seitelberger R, Hannes W, Fasol R     

44. "Effects of Diltiazem on perioperative ischemia, arrhythmias and myocardial function in patients undergoing elective coronary bypass grafting” ✧ J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 107:811-821 (1994) Seitelberger R, Hannes W, Gleichauf M, Keilich M, Christoph M, Fasol R     

45. "Shed blood autotransfusion influences ischemia-sensitive laboratory parameters after coronary operations” ✧ Ann Thorac Surg 57:1289-1294 (1994) Hannes W, Keilich M, Köster W, Seitelberger R, Fasol R     

46. "Necrotising pancreatitis due to ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm" ✧ Eur J Vasc Surg 8:521-523 (1994) Gruber H, Fasol R, Schlosser V     

47. "Effects of Diltiazem on perioperative ischemia, arrhythmias and myocardial function in patients undergoing elective coronary bypass grafting” ✧ Drugs Today 30(Suppl A):11-23 (1994)Seitelberger R, Hannes W, Gleichauf M, Fasol R     

48. "Experimental use of a modified fibrin glue to induce site-directed angiogenesis from the aorta to the heart" ✧ J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 107:1432-1439 (1994)Fasol R, Schumacher B, Hauenstein KH, Seitelberger R

49. "In vitro-lined endothelium: initial integrity and ultrastructural events" ✧ Surgery 116:524-534 (1994) Zilla P, Preiss P, Groscurth P, Rosemeier F, Deutsch M, Odell J, Heidinger C, Fasol R, v. Oppell U

50. "Functional significance of angiotensin receptors in human myocardium: significant differences between atrial and ventricular myocardium” ✧ Eur Heart J 15:88-9 (1994)Holubarsch Ch, Schmidt-Schweda S, Knorr A, Fasol R, Hasenfuss G, Just H    

51. "Stellenwert der perioperativen Applikation des Kalziumantagonisten Diltiazem bei aorto-koronaren Bypassoperationen” ✧ Herz- Thorax-Gefäßchir 8:185-199 (1994)Fasol R, Seitelberger R

52. "Effect of perioperative Diltiazem on myocardial ischemia and function in patients receiving mammary artery grafts” ✧ Eur Heart J 16:87-93 (1995)Hannes W, Seitelberger R, Christoph M, Keilich M, Kulinna Ch, Holubarsch Ch, Fasol R    

53. "Acadesine: a new drug that may improve myocardial protection in coronary artery bypass grafting. Results of the first international multicenter study” ✧ J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 110:1096-1106 (1995)Menasché P et al, on behalf of the multinat. study group (Fasol R et al)

54. "In vitro edothelialization of bioprosthetic heart valves" ✧ J Heart Valve Dis 5:58-65 (1996)Fischlein T, Fasol R    

55. "Postoperative follow-up of coronary patients receiving calcium antagonist Diltiazem" ✧ IJA 6:8-12 (1997) Keilich M, Kulinna Ch, Seitelberger R, Fasol R    

56. "Papillary muscle shortening plasty for mitral valve reconstruction in patients with ischaemic mitral insufficiency” ✧ Europ Heart J 19:1730-1734 (1998)Fasol R, Wild T, Pfannmüller B, Stumpf J, Hacker R

-> Editorial Comment  Europ Heart J 19:1598-1599 (1998)

57. "Anti-ischaemic and anti-arrhythmic as well as cost-effectiveness of peri-operative Diltiazem in coronary artery bypass patients” ✧ Drugs Today 34[Suppl.E]:19-24 (1998)Fasol R, Zacher M, Bischoff G, Grunewald M

58. "Early failure of bioprosthesis by preserved mitral leaflets" ✧ Ann Thorac Surg 70:653-654 (2000)Fasol R, Lakew F

59. "Mitral repair in patients with a ruptured papillary muscle" ✧ Am Heart J 139:549-554 (2000)Fasol R, Lakew F, Wetter S

60. "Triangular resection of the anterior leaflet for repair of the mitral valve" ✧ Ann Thorac Surg 71:381-383 (2000)Fasol R, Joubert-Hübner E

61. "Papillary muscle repair surgery in ischemic mitral valve patients" ✧ Ann Thorac Surg 70:771-777 (2000)Fasol R, Lakew F, Pfannmüller B, Slepian M, Joubert-Hubner E

62. "Trends und Entwicklungen der Mitralklappenchirurge ✧ J Kardiol 7:106-112 (2000)Fasol R

-> Editorial Comment  J Kardiol 7:105 (2000)

63. "Repair of mitral valve billowing and prolapse (Barlow): the surgical technique" ✧ Ann Thorac Surg 74:602-605 (2002)Fasol R, Mahdjoobian K

64. "Mitral repair in patients with severely calcified annulus: feasibility, surgery and results" ✧ J Heart Valve Dis 10:153-159 (2002) Fasol R, Mahdjoobian K, Joubert-Hubner E

65. "Left ventricular rupture after mitral surgery: repair by patch and sealing" ✧ Ann Thorac Surg 77:1070-1072 (2004)Fasol R, Wild T, El Dsoki S

66. "Mitral valve repair with the Colvin-Galloway FutureTM Band" ✧ Ann Thorac Surg 77:1985-1988 (2004)Fasol R, Meinhart J, Deutsch M, Binder T

67. "A modified and simplified radiofrequency ablation in mitral patients" ✧ J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 129:215-217 (2005)Fasol R, Meinhart J, Binder T

-> Editorial Comment  J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 129:1-4 (2005)

68. "Impact of bispectral index monitoring on postoperative delirium in patients undergoing aortic surgery.” ✧ HSR Proc Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 3(1):47-58 (2011)Santarpino G, Fasol R, Sirch J, Ackermann B, Pfeiffer S, Fischlein T

69. "A cavernous sinus of Valsalva aneurysm" ✧ J Cardiol & Cardiovasc Ther 2(3):555587 (2016) Fasol R, Bode B, Li X, Fasol N, Seppälä-Lindroos A

70. "Management of massive thrombus formation in a giant left atrium" ✧ J Cardiol Surg 9999:1-2 (2017)Fasol N, Bode B, Li X, Seppälä-Lindroos A, Fasol R

71. "Follow-up of a Barlow mitral billowing and prolapse repair patient" ✧ Am J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2(3):41-44 (2017)Fasol R, Fasol N, Binder T   

72. "Left atrial thrombendarterectomy in rheumatic mitral valve patients" ✧ Open Access J Surg 10(1): OAJS.MS.ID.555783 (2019)Fasol N, Bode B, Li X, Seppälä-Lindroos A, Fasol R

Other Publications

1. "Letter to the editor - the ISACB annual meeting" ✧ J Vasc Surg 12:705 (1989)Fasol R

2. "Zur Bedeutung des Endothels auf künstlichen Implantaten in der Herz- & Gefäßchirurgie"✧ Habilitationsschrift, Universität Freiburg (1990)Fasol R

3. "Anti-Ischämische und anti-Arrhythmische Wirksamkeit des Kalzium-Antagonisten Diltiazem bei aortokoronaren Bypass-operationen" ✧ Dtsch Ärzteblatt 92:A524-527 (1995)  Hannes W, Seitelberger R, Fasol R

4. "Ischämische Mitralklappeninsuffizienz: Verkürzungsplastik der Papillarmuskel" ✧ Symp. Medical Kardiologie 3:28-30 (1999)Fasol R

5. "Letter to the Editor - Response to the letter of Aoyagi S, et al, Regarding the manuscript ‘Triangular resection of the anterior leaflet for repair of the mitral valve‘ by Fasol R. et al." Ann Thorac Surg 73:1021 (2002)Fasol R

6. "Letter to the Editor - Response to the letter of Tanaka K, et al, Regarding the manuscript ‘Repair of mitral valve billowing and prolapse (Barlow): the surgical technique‘  by Fasol R. et al." ✧ Ann Thorac Surg (2006)  Fasol R

Book Editor

1. "Endothelialization of vascular grafts" ✧ S. Karger, Basel (1987) ISBN 3-8055-4557-6 Zilla P, Fasol R, Deutsch M (Eds.)

2.  "Recent advances in cardiovascular surgery" ✧ R.S. Schultz Verlag, München (1989) ISBN 3-7962-0502-X Reichart B, Fasol R, Odell J, Oppell v. U., Reichenspurner H, Zilla P (Eds.)

3. "Applied cardiovascular biology  1989" ✧ S. Karger, Basel (1990) ISBN 3-8055-5147-9 Zilla P, Fasol R, Callow AD (Eds.) 

4. "Applied cardiovascular biology  1990-91" ✧ S. Karger, Basel (1992)  ISBN 3-8055-5430-3 Zilla P, Fasol R, Callow AD (Eds.) 

Book Chapters

1. "Continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration (CAVH) after cardiac surgery" ✧ In: “International Conference on CAVH“, S. Karger (Basel); pp. 116-124 (1985) Coraim F, Fasol R, Stellwag F, Wolner E

2. "Endothelial cell seeding: experience and first clinical results"✧ In: “Endothelialization of Vascular Grafts“, Zilla P, Fasol R (Eds.); S. Karger;  pp. 233-244 (1987) Fasol R, Zilla P, Deutsch M, Fischlein T, Minar E, Hammerle A, Wolner E

3. "Simulation of pulsatile wall shear stress in peripheral arteries by means of a mock circulation" ✧ In: “Endothelialization of Vascular Grafts“, Zilla P, Fasol R (Eds.); S. Karger; pp. 189-194 (1987) Schima H, Tsangaris S, Zilla P, Fasol R, Kadletz M

4. "In vitro lining of ptfe grafts with human saphenous vein endothelial cells: physiological shear stress exposure" ✧ In: “Endothelialization of Vascular Grafts“, Zilla P, Fasol R (Eds.); S. Karger;  pp. 195-217 (1987) Zilla P, Fasol R, Kadletz M, Preiss P, Groscurth P, Schima H, Moser R, Griesmacher A, Mostbeck G, Wolner E

5. "Endothelialization of artificial heart materials" ✧ In: “Assisted Circulation 3“, Unger F (Ed), Springer Verlag, pp. 580-598 (1988) Fasol R, Zilla P

6. "Endothelialization of cardiovascular prostheses"✧ In: "Recent Advances in Cardiovascular Surgery", Reichart B, Fasol R, Zilla P, Reichenspurner H (Eds.) Verlag R.S. Schultz  pp. 215-217 (1988)Fasol R, Zilla P, Reichart B

7. "Cultivation of human endothelial cells on artificial heart materials" ✧ In: "Recent Advances in Cardiovascular Surgery", Reichart B, Fasol R, Zilla P, Reichenspurner H (Eds.) Verlag R.S. Schultz  pp. 378-386 (1988) Fasol R, Zilla P, Grimm M, Preiss P, Fischlein T, Krupicka O

8. "Twenty years of human heart transplantation" ✧ In: "Recent Advances in Cardiovascular Surgery", Reichart B, Fasol R, Zilla P, Reichenspurner H (Eds.) Verlag R.S. Schultz  pp. 19-24  (1988) Reichart B, Reichenspurner H, Odell J, von Oppell U, Human P, Fasol R, Zilla P 

9. "Recent advances in immunosuppression after xenogenic heart transplantation in primates" ✧ In: "Recent Advances in Cardiovascular Surgery", Reichart B, Fasol R, Zilla P, Reichenspurner H (Eds.) Verlag R.S. Schultz  pp. 137-146 (1988) Reichenspurner H, Human P, Böhm D, Cooper DKC, Rose AG, May R, Fasol R, Zilla P, Reichart B

10. "Blood platelets during experimental and clinical heart replacement" ✧ In: "Recent Advances in Cardiovascular Surgery", Reichart B, Fasol R, Zilla P, Reichenspurner H (Eds.) Verlag R.S. Schultz  pp. 206-212  (1988) Müller MR, Wohlfart A, Lee A, Zilla P, Fasol R, Wolner E

11. "Surface covering precoating procedures enhance adherence and spreading of seeded endothelial cells on PTFE vascular prostheses"✧ In: "Recent Advances in Cardiovascular Surgery", Reichart B, Fasol R, Zilla P, Reichenspurner H (Eds.) Verlag R.S. Schultz, pp. 341-349 (1988) Kähler J, Zilla P, Fasol R, Deutsch M

12. "In vitro lining of ptfe grafts with homologous endothelial cells" ✧ In: "Recent Advances in Cardiovascular Surgery", Reichart B, Fasol R, Zilla P, Reichenspurner H (Eds.) Verlag R.S. Schultz,  pp. 360-369 (1988) Zilla P, Fasol R, Preiss P, Dudeck U, Odell J, Sanan D, Reichenspurner H, Reichart B

13. "In vitro endothelialization of vascular prostheses - rapid mass culture technique for autologous endothelial cells and implantation of confluently lined 4-mm PTFE grafts in non-human primates" ✧ In: “Applied Cardiocascular Biology 1989", Zilla P, Fasol R (Eds.) S. Karger;  pp. 56-72 (1990) Zilla P, Fasol R, Preiss P, Reichart B

14. "Jump-grafts und sequentielle Rekonstruktionen der unteren Extremität"✧ In: “Der crurale Gefäßverschluß: aktuelle interdisziplinäre Standortbestimmung” Zehle A (Ed.) W. Zuckschwerdt Verlag,  pp. 163-169 (1990) Deutsch M, Zilla P, Fasol R, Magometschnigg H, Kaliman J, Grabenwöger F, Karnel F

15. "Endothelialisierung von Gefäßprothesen: Biologie kontra Mechanistik" ✧ In: "Gefäßchirurgie im Fortschritt", Maurer PC, Dörrler J (Eds.) Thieme Verlag, pp.123-135 (1990)Zilla P, Deutsch M, Fasol R

Journal Abstracts

1. "Experimentelle Untersuchungen über den Ursprung des Embolie-Fettes vorwiegend aus Epiphysen langer Röhren-Knochen" ✧ Acta Chir Austr 43:129 (1982)Fasol R, Gottlob R

2. "Die Grenzflächenspannung zwischen Plasma und Lipiden, Normalwerte und Veränderungen bei verschiedenen Erkrankungen" ✧ Acta Chir Austr 51:93 (1983)Gottlob R, Appel W, Porschinski K, Fasol R

3. "In vitro cultivation of human endothelial cells on artificial surfaces: first results"  ✧ Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 33:97 (1985)Fasol R, Zilla P, Wollenek G, Laufer G

4. "The laser-induced vascular lesion of cw-nd-yag- and pulsed uv-laser concerning angioplastic procedures" ✧ Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 33:70 (1985) Laufer G, Wollenek G, Stangl G, Fasol R, Zilla P, Wolner E

5. "Verhalten von Plasmakonzentrationen an Granulozyten-Elastase während Extra-korporaler Zirkulation" ✧ Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 33:65 (1985)Havel M, Graninger W, Moritz A, Fasol R, Müller MM

6. "Morphologische und Funktionelle Thrombocyten-Veränderungen bei Kardiochirurgischen Operationen mit Extrakorporaler Zirkulation" ✧ Der Anaesthesist 34:212 (1985)Hammerle A, Fasol R, Zilla P

7. "Effects of interferons on tumor cells in culture" ✧ J Exp Clin Hematol 51:154 (1985) Marth Ch, Gastl G, Zilla P, Fasol R, Mayer I, Huber Ch

8. "Flow and material dependence of platelet morphology, adenine nucleotides, PF4, ßTG and whole blood aggregometry" ✧ Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Org 32:26 (1986)Fasol R, Zilla P, Hammerle A, Wollenek G, Laufer G, Deutsch Wolner E

9. "Long term angiographic follow-up after complex crural reconstructions" ✧ Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 35:87 (1987) Deutsch M, Fasol R, Grabenwöger F, Kaliman J, Kumpan W, Wollenek G, Zilla 

10. "Development of a new operation technique for endothelialization of e-PTFE vascular grafts with autologous endothelial cells: shear stress exposure and first clinical results" ✧Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 35:83-84 (1987)Zilla P, Fasol R, Kadletz M, Deutsch M, Wollenek G, Laufer G, Griesmacher A, Müller MM

11. "Experimental model for the endothelialization of biological heart valve leaflets" ✧ Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 40:137 (1992) Schumacher B, Schlaudraff K, Hannes W, Seitelberger R, v. Specht BU, Schlosser V, Fasol R 

12. "An experimental study of in situ and in vivo growth of “new arteries“ by the angiogeneic growth factor HBGF-I" ✧ Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 40:136 (1992)Schlaudraff K, Hannes W, Seitelberger R, v. Specht BU, Schlosser V, Fasol R     

13. "Antiischaemic and antiarrhythmic properties of the calcium-antagonist diltiazem in aortocoronary bypass patients" ✧Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 40:121 (1992) Hannes W, Schumacher B, Schlaudraff K, Fasol R, Schlosser V, Seitelberger R    

14. "Experimental growth of 'new' coronary arteries by surgically implanted angiogenic growth factors" ✧ Europ Heart J 13(Suppl):158 (1992) Schlaudraff K, Schumacher B, Hauenstein KH, Seitelberger R, Schlosser V, Fasol R

15. "Antiischemic and antiarrhythmic potency of diltiazem in aortocoronary bypass grafting" ✧ Europ Heart J 13(Suppl):158 (1992) Seitelberger R, Hannes W, Schindler M, Schumacher B, Fasol R, Schlosser V    

16. "Biolization of biological heart valves: an experimental study" ✧ Europ Heart J 13(Suppl):140 (1992) Schumacher B, Schlaudraff K, Seitelberger R, v.Specht BU, Schlosser V, Fasol R    

17. "Can you grow new arteries for cv surgeons? experimental study of arterial in situ growth by the angeogenetic growth factor HBGF-I" ✧ J Cardiovasc Surg 33(Suppl):47 (1992) Schlaudraff K, Seitelberger R, v.Specht BU, Schlosser V, Fasol R

18. "Experimental in vitro endothelialization of biological heart valves" ✧ J Cardiovasc Surg 33(Suppl):48 (1992) Schumacher B, Schlaudraff K, Seitelberger R, v.Specht BU, Schlosser V, Fasol R    

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The US [PCT/US98/18652] & European [98944803.0-2305] Patent is directed to an artificial heart valve chordae, chordae sizing gauge and a method of using both to replace chordae for Mitral or Tricuspid valve repair. Chordae replacement is currently a routine technique for mitral repair operations.